For several years, we have been witnessing a succession of financial, political, nutritional and environmental crises, which sharply raises the need to choose the society in which we wish to live.
Faced with all these challenges, we are working together with our partners to carry out an important work with Education for Global and Solidarity Citizenship (ECMS) and Continuing Education (PE). Through information, awareness, and mobilization activities, Eclosio aims to improve the understanding of the global issues of citizens, students, and members of the university community in Gembloux, Liège and in the agronomic sections of the 5 Hautes Ecoles Agronomiques Wallonne (Ath, Fleurus, Huy, La Reid, Ciney). Eclosio also leads advocacy pleas towards academic and political authorities.
Our projects
In civic education, we mainly deal with the following themes:
- The persistence of social, political, economic and gender inequalities, injustices, and exploitations;
- Disrespect of the environment and overexploitation of natural resources;
- Globalization, intensification, and interdependence of crises (financial, climatic, nutritional, political, migratory, …);
- The lack of access and the violation of human rights.

21 partners

2.600 beneficiaries

Expenses : 289.906 €

Country's population : 11.358.357

20 voluntary
Our actions
Inform and raise awareness
Informing and raising awareness are two essential steps to lead to awareness-raising, better understanding of the issues and, finally, a move to action. We carry out this work through various activities (conferences, film debates, events, publications, internships and TFE, training courses, hybrid courses, …)
Eclosio focuses on the support and training of students and volunteers in Belgium. They are equipped and reinforced to better understand the global issues, to appropriate the themes of Citizenship Education and to set up tools of animation and methodological to sensitize, in turn, their entourage. They therefore have the opportunity to engage in concrete actions and / or organize themselves an activity that is important to them, and thus become an agent of change. Eclosio facilitates this process.
Call-on academic authorities and public authorities
Through advocacy actions, we help to influence the opinions and decisions of political and academic authorities in favor of sustainable and equitable development, while respecting human rights.
Contact us to find out more!
- In Liège: – 04.366.20.48
- In Gembloux: –
“We did not precise the theme because we wanted the students to help themselves to it” Claire Brouwez, interview about the Eclosio Belgium Students Mindchangers project
Find out more
To find out how our actions are progressing, we invite you to consult the summary (French only) of the mid-term evaluation of the Belgium Component of the Uni4Coop consortium, which focuses on Education for Global Citizenship and Solidarity, and the management response (French only) given by the 4 NGOs of the consortium. The full evaluation report is available on request from
Follow us on the social media
Have a look at the Facebook page Eclosio Belgique and at our Instagram eclosio.belgique.
Country news
Festival Polyphonies écoféministes
Ce samedi nous présentions notre magazine Cultivons Le Futur au sein de l’atelier “Polyphonie écoféministe, enquête sur 3 continents”
Covid-19: Eclosio's teams and partners adapt their actions
In this difficult time linked to the Covid-19’ epidemic, Eclosio and its partners are adapting but continuing to work! Let’s sum up the situations in our target areas (situation as of 16/04/20).
My adventure in Bolivia
Read what Louise V., a KUL student, has to say about her internship/thesis in Bolivia.
Related publications
Using digital technology to enhance young people's civic engagement projects - why and how to have a digital intercultural experience? - Guide of good practices
- Documents de capitalisation
- Outils pédagogiques
Report survey on youth's intercultural and digital practices - Project Connexion·s
- Capitalisation documents