Benin has a population of 10,008,749, including 5,120,929 women. Positioned at 167th place out of 188 countries and territories according to the 2015 HDI Report, the country is one of the poorest in the world. The agricultural sector is dominated by family farming and contributes significantly to the country’s economy (35% of Gross Domestic Product) and is the largest provider of employment, in itself constituting 70% of active people. The different productions cover 85% of national food needs. Despite these capacities, the agricultural world in Benin is facing major challenges that are difficult to overcome: the low coverage of food needs, insufficient income, and low productivity and low attractiveness of agricultural activity and rural areas. As of January 2014, about 10% of Benin’s population (1.1 million people) were lacked sufficient food.

6 partners

6.000 beneficiaries

Expenses : 237.866 €

Country's population : 11.496.140

HDI : 175 /196
Our actions
With its partners, Eclosio has been working in Benin since 2014 and focuses its actions on the valorization of the fonio (cereal) sector, the promotion of agroecology, agricultural entrepreneurship, gender equity, energy and conservation of natural resources.