Senegal is ranked 163 out of 187 in the UNDP’s 2014 Human Development Report. While poverty tends to occur more often in cities, it has also increased in rural areas. At the same time, the country’s development policies are not enough to provide an effective response to the poverty and to bridge inequalities between regions and social classes.

19 partners

210.000 beneficiaries

Expenses : 1.867.966 €

Country's population : : 15.726.037

HDI : 170/196
Our actions
Present in Senegal since 2000, the NGO Eclosio is recognized for its technical and methodological expertise in the promotion of family farming, rural development, and sustainable management of natural resources. Its action is articulated well with the economic and social priorities of the country. Indeed, with a portfolio of more than ten projects, its actions touch on areas such as: promoting food and nutrition security, disseminating approaches to community-based management of natural resources, promoting gender equality, support for the agro-ecological transition of family farming, and economic empowerment for vulnerable groups, among others.