Knowledge management
Knowledge is not fixed. It can be expanded and continuously enriched through the experiences of and the exchanges between the various stakeholders. Knowledge management allows:
- the sharing, exchange, and transmission of knowledge to other stakeholders and future generations;
- the development of research studies between scientists and farming families as an answer to concrete needs expressed by the latter;
- the dissemination of research results to the right people in order to become useful for society.
Through knowledge management, knowledge, know-how, and interpersonal skills can be circulated between different stakeholders to be gradually enriched, weighed, adapted, disseminated or validated by their application on the field.
Knowledge management can also take the form of a learning process that involves deconstructing knowledge which is sometimes deeply anchored. For example, an agriculture that does not make use of chemicals is still inconceivable for many. However, it is through the exchange of experiences, dialogue, and field experimentation that the necessary knowledge can be generated to develop a new form of innovative agriculture.
Did you know?
The participatory action research, applied to family farming, aims at generating local knowledge through an experimental process led jointly between researchers and farming families to solve a specific problem. Thus, research topics are defined based on family needs and results are analyzed together. This results in mutual learning (research) that leads to a change in practice (action) on a voluntary basis.
Our expertise:
By encouraging knowledge management together with its business partners over the years, Eclosio has developed its expertise in:
- Developing innovations and disseminating them through close work with Master-Farmers, the use of farmer field schools or the promotion of farmer-to-farmer exchanges. For example, in Cambodia, producers are exchanging their own techniques via Facebook groups.
- The use of participatory action research projects between universities and our field-based partners (for example, the Fandène project relates to agroecological practices of soil restoration in Senegal).
- The promotion of networks for exchanging good practices, for example in agroecology (TAFAE, ALISEA) or in the management of natural resources (group 5Delta, project EU-M).
- The development of experience capitalization media (publications, videos, exhibitions…)
- The sharing of methods and lessons learned within the consortium of university’ NGOs Uni4Coop.