Case study on PGS rice seed in Cambodia

Case study on PGS rice seed in Cambodia
  • Capitalisation documents

This case study is to document the set-up of Participatory Guarantee Systems (PGS) for quality rice seed production and commercialization of AC (Agricultural Cooperation), established with support from AFSA (Agriculture Familiale et Souveraineté Alimentaire) program during 2015-2016 and from UPSCALE program during 2017-2021.

The main purpose of PGS establishment for quality rice seed was to promote the multiplication and use of quality rice seed amongt small-scale family agriculture farmers (represent the majority of Cambodian farmers) in order to contribute to increase the supply of quality paddy which is demanded by higher value-added export markets in developed countries as well as to contribute to respond the national rice export policy set by the Royal Government of Cambodia (RGC).

Case study on PGS rice seed in Cambodia