Using digital technology to enhance young people’s civic engagement projects – why and how to have a digital intercultural experience? – Guide of good practices

Using digital technology to enhance young people’s civic engagement projects – why and how to have a digital intercultural experience? – Guide of good practices
  • Belgium
  • Outils pédagogiques
  • Documents de capitalisation

We are delighted to announce the release of our best practice guide entitled ‘Using digital to enrich young people’s civic engagement projects – why and how to have a digital intercultural experience?’.

This guide has been co-constructed by the Connexion-s project partners, coordinated and produced by E&D, and is intended to provide concrete avenues for experiencing civic engagement online, based on examples of initiatives that have already been implemented. It also looks at the benefits and limitations of using digital technology, particularly in the context of interculturality.

We hope that this guide will serve as inspiration and support for all those who wish to use digital technology to strengthen young people’s civic commitment and enrich their intercultural experiences.


Using digital technology to enhance young people's civic engagement projects - why and how to have a digital intercultural experience? - Guide of good practices